Sunday, 24 April 2011


       This is week is the week 08. For this week's class we just spend time of doing our first assignment. I will put some materials of what I have done.

Finally, I choose this one to work on. When I doing this assignment, I found lots of problem, I do revision of the tutorials that I have done the previous 7 weeks. And also I do some more research of the tutorials to get help.

      This is my final work of the 3d scene. For the grass and the cask, and also a stone I use the textures to edit them. For the others, I just use the shaders to add the simple colors. For the hot spring, I use the source from the hapershade tool. For the sky, I just import a sky image.
      I use the extrude tool to model the character, the mouth is another model, I just combine them together. I did not have enough time to do more with my character. I have not start to do some movement of the character yet. That is why my character just stand on the top of the hot spring.

     Most of my models which I use the extrude tool to create. I think extrude is the easiest one of the differents kinds of the modelling methods.

     The lighting is really difficult, I add 4-5 lights, at the end, my scene's light looks very poor. I will fix it when I have time.

Sunday, 17 April 2011


        This week we start to learn the knowledge of  lighting, camera and the rendering. These are very important role in doing 3d work, especially the lighting part. And it is also very complex, as Mark said, he could spend 3 years of only teaching lighting. It really takes time if we wanna create a perfect lighting mood.

        Saying of lighting has the important role of doing 3d work, it does not only due to the complex of lighting technique. It is also very useful and cannot be forget skill. I think both lighting and texturing are very important. They are the same roles in 3d area. The effect of them is the same I think. Both of them are the life of the 3d work. 

       The importance of lighting in 3d is like the importance of  light in our real life. They are the crown of creation.

       I find some good examples online.

        The lighting they have can shows the time of the day and also we can find some clue of the story of these 3d scenes. The lighting helps to present the scenes better.

I find an online tutorial and also follow the tutorial to do the lighting part.

I follow this tutorial since the modelling part, and then finally work out it with the lighting.

                      This is what have I done after watching the tutorial.

            These are the textures I found for my assignment01, I will use some of them. For the other objects, if I have plenty time to work on, I will find some more high quality textures to edit my scene. If we do not have lots of time, I will do that by using shaders to add the simple colour. I think if I make it only using the simple colour it will be fine, because of my scene is a cartoon style work. It could work.

Friday, 8 April 2011


           Because of we spend 2 weeks on doing the sketches of the first assignment, so we are a liitle bit behind of the schedule. We start to learn shading and texuturing techinique on week06.

           I think this part is the fun part of doing a 3d work. After I learned, I think shading and texturing are to give the clothes to our baby. That means after we modelled, we use the shading and texturing skills to give the objects that we create the colors and also the comfortable textures. Furthermore, I think this is also an very important role of doing a 3d work. Putting colors is at very simple and basic stage, on the other hand, texturing is a complex technique I think.

          And in my opinion, I think shading and texturing are really important. As we can see, some of the 3d profolio work are not that difficult on the modelling part, but why the work still looks very attractive and professioanl, I think it is the contribution of the shading and texturing, espacially the texturing. The exactly fittable textures are the spirit or we can call it, the soul of an 3d work. I found some examples online, that shows how the shading and texturing worked importantly in a 3d work.

I think each of them all have the spirit and the life by using the fittable textures. Moreover, the texures also can make a simple modelling object looks very professional. These are the advantages of doing shading and texturing in my own opnion.

And then, I also find the online tutorial as my weekly indivual study information. I will upload here. And then I can check it easily every time when I wanna use it as a guide.

Saturday, 2 April 2011


         This week we spend the class to discuss all the students' sketches of the first assignment to see if it could work. I create 3 different stories.

                                    Here are my sketches:

         This is my first idea, he is a cute and fat bear. The reason of chosing bear as the character is that I love bear pretty much. These are the different views of him. He is relaxing.

        This one is what the scene gonna be look like. The scene has an forest house, and the bear just sit in front of his house, and relax there. This is a cute and lovely style work.

         This one is my second idea, actually, I prefer this one due to the specific character. The main character is an gangster chicken. He looks like very angry and scary. Here has the 2 differnet angle views of him. The background scene is a outside view of a forest, and it has a natural spring pool there, the gangster chicken just sit inside the pool. And also there will have some more objects, such as the chair, shampoo and also the stones to decorate my scene.

         This one is the last one I got. For this one, I am not that like the design of the character, but for this one, I have already has the idea of the animation work. The main character is an ant. He has a big mouth because of he loves eating delicious food! The background of the scene is a mouse's room, it has lots of cheese and some drink inside. The room is a little bit dark, and the mouse is not at home, so that the ant just walks in and wanna steal the cheese to eat, at that time, a light comes into the room, the mouse found the ant! That is why the ant has an shocked face.

         At fist, I can not deside which one to choose, but Mark gave me some advice, and then I think I will choose the second one to work on. It will be funny and cute I think.