Firstly, we can use the CV curve tool or the EP curve tool to draw the object first, and then we will modelling an NURBS objects.
I think this method's advantage is that we can draw what ever we want, and then use that to create an object that is unique. We can build our own project. On the other hand, the disadvantage that i think is we better to have a good drawing skill. If we can not do drawing pretty well, it will a little bit not good enough, the quality of the project will a little bit poor. These are my own opinion.
And I also fine some online turotial to look at and then learn some more skills.
This one has a series of videos, and it taught very clearly and detailed. For this one, it does not use the curve tool to draw by ourselves. It used the tool to draw automatically, so that it will have the good quality of the project. And also we can do whatever changes that we want. It will show exactly the right data.
At this stage, I feel a little bit difficult with this tutorial. I have already stated to do it, but I did not finish yet. I will spend the individual study hours to work one this one. Hope that I could have the clearly understanding and also the correct skills of using this method to do modelling.
This is what I got now.
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